- #Undefined symbol php json decode ex phalcon.so software
- #Undefined symbol php json decode ex phalcon.so password
Bug:366069 - " revdep-rebuild ignores forward dependency skip" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor. Bug:366051 - " Add ebuild for NOC, Operation Support System (OSS) and Enterprise Network Operation Centers." status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal. #Undefined symbol php json decode ex phalcon.so software
Bug:365933 - " New Ebuild, plug-0.7: Linux software for Fender Mustang amplifiers" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement. Bug:365891 - " G-Wan Ebuild" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement. Bug:365691 - " dev-util/pkgcheck: should check for double definition of a phase function" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal. Bug:365621 - " dupx-0.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement. Bug:365463 - " JRuby's Ant fails to call javac" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal. Bug:365371 - " app-portage/gentoolkit: equery - add EQUERY_DEFAULTS_OPTIONS for default global options" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal. Bug:365345 - " gxsm-2.0 (New Package Gnome X Scanning Microscopy)" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement. Bug:365247 - " Add client GNTP too" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor. Bug:365207 - " chdkptp ebuild request" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement. Bug:365029 - " emerge-webrsync incorrect/incomplete proxy error codes handling" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal. Bug:360975 - " New package: app-misc/endeavour" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement. Bug:353045 - " net-dialup/ppp: race between ppp and dhcpcd setting resolver" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal. Bug:343021 - " Add ebuild for membase server (community edition)" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement. Bug:339725 - " media-sound/lmms fails to build remote_vst_plugin: winebuild: as -32 failed with status 1" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal.
Bug:333285 - " app-portage/gentoolkit: revdep-rebuild: add variable to nf default emerge options for revdep-rebuild to override EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTIONS" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement.Bug:307401 - " media-gfx/xsane crashes during startup if xinerama is enabled" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal.Bug:287706 - " dev-util/pkgcheck: detect DISTDIR= munging" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal.Bug:284587 - " dev-util/pkgcheck: check for RDEPEND=$RDEPEND cases" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal.Bug:270860 - " www-servers/apache apxs2 should _not_ save the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS used during build" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal.
#Undefined symbol php json decode ex phalcon.so password
Bug:258018 - " mail-mta/ssmtp-2.62-r8: blank password sent if nf defines password containing '#'" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:major. Bug:255644 - " app-emulation/basiliskII-jit: a lot improved ebuild" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial. Bug:161003 - " package.provided needs to catch virtual/ usage" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal.
Bug:128538 - " sys-apps/coreutils: /bin/hostname should be installed from coreutils not sys-apps/net-tools" status:UNCONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement.$jdata is the post data: $jdata = $this->input->post('requestdata').
Var_dump(json_decode($jdata)) returns null, but if I do a var_dump($jdata) everything looks OK. I tried url_decode, utf8_decode and html_entities_decode, but nothing seems to work. JSLint say the data is OK and the Content-Type of the request is set to application/x-so I can't use json_last_error(). I got a big problem posting data via jQuery Ajax as JSON to my Server.